
My research falls broadly into the following six areas:

  1. The impact of historical legacies - especially of communist regimes - on political attitudes and institutions.

  2. The politics of democratization and democratic backsliding

  3. Explaining the electoral success of ex-communist and populist political parties in Eastern Europe 

  4. The politics of IMF programs in Eastern Europe and Latin America

  5. Explaining political attitude formation and change in authoritarian and post-authoritarian regimes (particularly in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union) 

  6. Understanding attitudinal and behavioral responses to political crises such as protests and repression in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union

1. Historical legacies

2. Democratization and democratic backsliding

3. Political parties and elections

4. Politics of IMF programs in Eastern Europe and Latin America

5. Political attitude formation and change in authoritarian and post-authoritarian regimes (particularly in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union) 

6. Attitudinal and behavioral responses to political crises and reforms in the former Soviet Union